A Beautiful, Creative, Lake Vyrnwy Wedding

An Amazing Lake Vyrnwy Wedding


Lake Vyrnwy Wedding Photographer


 I truly love working here, nestled in the hills of North Wales, this hotel just screams out for beautiful photography


Kathryn and Lucas were married here….such a fab couple, their day was spent dodging the legendary “Lake Vyrnwy” drizzle…but even that didn’t dampen the spirits of this fab couple and all their family and friends. We managed to make time to get some images in and around the hotel interior, before taking the opportunity to grab some frames outside. Perserverance and patience certainly paid off for this lovely couple. I am just a little saddened that we never actually made it down to the Dam itself. But that’s the way it goes sometimes. Weddings can be frenetic. time gets swallowed up, and mother nature just makes things that little more difficult.

Having said that…we had a blast.

Thank you so much guys for entrusting your amazing, slightly wet, and wonderful day to me and my camera(s).

All the best to you both


If you are looking for your Lake Vyrnwy Wedding Photographer, then please feel free to get in touch.

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Phil Barrett
Phil Barrett

Phil Barrett is a seasoned photographer with a rich background in creativity. Starting his journey as an illustrator and designer, Phil's work graced the greeting cards of some of the world's largest producers. After two decades in the industry, a twist of fate led him back to university, where he founded PbArtWorks, initially envisioned as a design and photography agency. However, it was his unique approach to wedding photography, characterized by its natural, unforced essence, that truly resonated. For over a decade, Phil has captured weddings across Shropshire, Cheshire, North Wales, and beyond. Beyond weddings, Phil's passion for photography is evident in his leisurely strolls around his town, capturing its scenic beauty. Whether through pen, brush, camera, or lens, Phil's ultimate goal remains consistent: to create beautiful imagery that brings joy to people. His mantra? "Good enough is never good enough."

Articles: 116

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